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7 Anti-Inflammatory Reasons to Drink Chai Tea

Chai tea is an Indian drink from the Ayurvedic medical tradition made of water, milk, spices and black tea that is decocted for a minimum of 20 minutes. Chai literally means tea and it is referred to as masala chai in its original version. It offers excellent antioxidant protection, anti-inflammatory properties, antibacterial action, digestion protection and potential anti-cancer effects thanks to the blend of spices that are incorporated into this drink.

Chai can be prepared following different formulas but it traditionally contains ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, clove, fennel and black pepper. Each of these ingredients individually are known to inhibit or suppress inflammation and these unique health benefits are combined with remarkable synergistic effects in the chai drink.

These are 7 great reasons to consume chai tea:

  1. Black Tea: Black tea is packed with antioxidants that can support cardiovascular health. Its health claims include lowering cholesterol, regulating blood sugar and stimulating the circulatory system.
  2. Ginger: Ginger is a super spice in fighting inflammation in the body. It’s an antioxidant that can lower blood sugar levels, fight colds and infections, suppress gastrointestinal distress and alleviate arthritis pain. By promoting healthy sweating, it also protects the body against invading microorganisms, such as E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus and fungi, including Candida albicans.
  3. Cardamom: This spice promotes detoxing effects, helps with digestion, strengthens the immune system, improves circulation and offers cardiovascular support.
  4. Cinnamon: Cinnamon helps control blood sugar, aids in digestion, boost immunity and supports weight loss. It also has powerful antioxidant properties.
  5. Fennel seeds: Based on their high fiber content, this spice can help lower cholesterol. It also improves bone and skin health, as well as protection agains infection, aging and cancer. Fennel seeds are also rich in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.
  6. Cloves: Cloves possess exceptional anti-inflammatory effects and are a nutrient dense spice. They are known for their anti-fungal, antibacterial, antiseptic and analgesic effects. Clove oil offers the highest antioxidant capacity of all foods and substances based on the ORAC scale (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity) developed by researchers at the University of Tufts in Boston, Massachusetts. ORAC is the most reliable measurement of antioxidant power, which determines the substance’s capacity to destroy free radicals.
  7. Black Pepper: Black pepper can improve metabolism, aids digestion and may help prevent the accumulation of fat in the body. Its antioxidant and antibacterial characteristics also relieve the common cold and cough, acne and arthritic pain. It is claimed that black pepper also possess antidepressant and anti-cancer potential.